Brainstorming and Idea Generation Reward Motivate More!

What does BIGr do for you?

BIGr motivates you, or your group, to generate ideas. Our tools, using insights from cognitive and computer science, motivate you or your team to generate a broad field of ideas. For more information about the value of listing all, even the craziest, of your ideas, check out the Inspiration section.

We use feedback from our users not only to improve our tools, but also investigate how people can design their work, software, and work environments to support creativity. You can learn more about our research and how you can help.

What can you do for science?

Your work and comments on BIGr contribute to the study of creativity and computers!

We want to better understand creativity and to build tools that support the goals of creative people. Instead of a word processor built for maximizing productivity of office workers, a niche that's covered quite well, we aim to build software that aligns with your goals to generate and bring to fruition your best ideas. In addition to giving you space to list or expand your ideas, BIGr tests features and ideas that will help us all understand creativity.

You can support creativity and human computer interaction research by donating, giving us feedback on the features of the software, and simply using BIGr!

If you'd like to learn more about research into creativity and innovation, check out the Research page!

Thank you for your support!